Skyworks Isolation - Wolfspeed Partner Designs

Skyworks isolators are an ideal solution to drive Silicon Carbide MOSFETs and Modules from Wolfspeed.
Skyworks Gate Driver Solutions for Wolfspeed Silicon Carbide Devices, including XM3 & WolfPACK™ Modules

Skyworks Gate Driver Solutions for Wolfspeed Silicon Carbide Devices, including XM3 & WolfPACK™ Modules

Receive product and system design support from Richardson RFPD’s global FAE network for both Wolfspeed Silicon Carbide MOSFETs and Skyworks’ gate drive solutions.

Browse multiple tested and optimized solutions below to evaluate, prototype, and deploy Wolfspeed devices safely and efficiently.

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Si828x Gate Driver Boards for Wolfspeed XM3 Modules

Skyworks Si828x-based Gate Driver Board is well-suited for driving Wolfspeed’s Silicon Carbide (SiC) Field Effect Transistor (FET)-based XM3 modules, high voltage/high current modules suitable for traction inverters, industrial drive motors, EV fast chargers, uninterruptable power supplies, and more. Developed by Skyworks with support from Wolfspeed’s XM3 module team, a test report is available that details the operations of Skyworks’ Si828x isolated gate drivers and Wolfspeed’s half-bridge SiC FET XM3 module. It describes the Si828x’s robust short-circuit protection feature with the rugged SiC XM3 module, enabling the system to survive and operate well under extreme short-circuit conditions. The test report also includes the Si828x-XM3’s performance in switching loss, crosstalk, and common-mode immunity (CMTI) tests in a half-bridge configuration.

Gate Drivers
Si8284, Si8285
Si8284, Si8285
Half Bridge
Half Bridge
Peak Output Current
+20 A/-30 A
+20 A/-30 A
Isolated Power Supplies
+15V, -3.5V
+15V, -3.5V
Common Mode Transient Immunity
125 kV/µs
125 kV/µs
Isolation Voltage
5 kV
5 kV
FET protection
Desaturation detect, Miller Clamp
Desaturation detect, Miller Clamp
1200V XM3
1700V XM3

Wolfspeed XM3 Power Modules

Wolfspeed's 1200V and 1700V XM3 power module platform maximizes the benefits of Silicon Carbide, while keeping the module and system design robust, simple and cost-effective.

Evaluation Tool for 1200V XM3 Modules

The evaluation board features consist of bulk capacitors, high frequency capacitors, a high bandwidth, current measurement via a current viewing resistor (CVR) and connection points for the inductor.

Evaluation Tool for 1700V XM3 Modules

Clamped inductive load (CIL) text fixture designed to accurately measure the voltage and current waveforms of a Wolfspeed 1700V SiC XM3 half-bridge module.

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Si828x SiC FET Half Bridge Reference Design  

The Si828x Half Bridge Reference Design is a design package engineers can utilize to implement a half-bridge circuit to invert a DC Link voltage to a pseudo-sinusoidal AC voltage. A half-bridge is an element of a larger system such as a single- or multi-phase inverter used in industrial motor drives, electric vehicle traction drives, solar inverters, and more. This reference design contains schematics, layout, bill of materials, and a user guide. While the board and kit are not available for purchase, the technical material will provide a design example using the Si828x family of isolated gate drivers with protection and dc-dc option. Further, this reference design has been extensively tested by Wolfspeed, and a report is available with the lab test results.

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Test Report: Driving Wolfspeed® C3M™ SiC MOSFETs with Skyworks Si828x Gate Drivers

This test report prepared jointly by Wolfspeed, Inc. (Wolfspeed) and Skyworks Solutions, Inc. (Skyworks) documents the results of testing performed to characterize the short-circuit behavior of Wolfspeed® C3M™ Silicon Carbide (SiC) MOSFETs when driven with Skyworks™ Si828x gate drivers.

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Si823Hx Gate Driver Boards for Wolfspeed SiC Devices, Including WolfPACK Power Modules

The Si823Hx Gate Driver Boards are ideal for driving a wide range of Wolfspeed Silicon Carbide (SiC) devices ranging from discrete FETs all the way to power modules like the Wolfspeed WolfPACK™. These two-channel isolated gate driver solutions feature a differential digital interface, optimized on-board isolated power supply, and user-configurable turn-on and turn-off gate resistors. Status indicator LEDs and test points make evaluation and prototyping easy. These gate driver boards are compatible with Wolfspeed’s Clamped Inductive Load (CIL) test fixtures for controlled and comprehensive module evaluation, as well as the SpeedVal Kit™ Modular Evaluation Platform for discrete FETs.

Find the Right WolfPACK Gate Driver Board

Gate Driver
Peak Output Current
4 A
4 A
4 A
Gate Resistance
1 Ω
4 Ω
0 Ω
Isolated Power Supplies
+15 V, -3.5 V
+15 V, -3.5 V
+15 V, -3.5 V
Common Mode Transient Immunity
125 kV/µs
125 kV/µs
125 kV/µs
Isolation Voltage
5 kV
5 kV
5 kV

Wolfspeed Wolfpack™ Power Modules

Baseplate-less SiC module family designed to meet the requirements of medium power applications.

Half-Bridge Clamped Inductive Load (CIL) Test Fixture

Dynamic characterization tool to evaluate and optimize the switching performance of Wolfspeed's WolfPACK SiC half-bridge power modules.

Six-Pack Clamped Inductive Load (CIL) Test Fixture

Dynamic characterization tool to evaluate and optimize the switching performance of Wolfspeed's WolfPACK SiC six-pack (three-phase) power modules.

SpeedValTM Kit Modular Evaluation Platform

Versatile modular SiC evaluation platform providing a flexible set of building blocks for in-circuit evaluation of system performance.

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Onboard Charger Reference Design Featuring Si8233BB

6.6 kW High Power Density Bi-Directional EV On-Board Charger Featuring Si8233BB

The CRD-06600FF065N-K reference design demonstrates the application of Wolfspeed’s 650 V C3M™ SiC MOSFETs(opens in a new tab) and our Si8234BB dual isolated gate driver to create a high power density electric vehicle (EV) on-board charger (OBC). The design leverages the high frequency switching capabilities of Wolfspeed 650 V C3M™ SiC MOSFETs to create a small, light and cost-effective system. This reference design is offered as a comprehensive design package which can be used as a starting point for new SiC designs.

Design Accomplishes


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Our team of global applications engineers are available to answer your questions to ensure your power conversion or energy storage system design meets your performance expectations. If you’re transitioning from silicon to gallium nitride (GaN) or silicon carbide (SiC), we’ll help identify the right switching device to achieve the power density and increased efficiency your application requires.