Understanding, Analysis and Experimental Verification of GaN Performance

Understanding, Analysis and Experimental Verification of GaN Performance

April 29, 2024

Gallium Nitride

Watch the tech chat below, featuring Richardson RFPD FAE Michele Sclocchi and Prof. Nicola Femia, president of IPERA S.r.l., highlighting a new GaN power course taking place on May 30 at Airport Hotel Bologna in Italy.

The event, “Understanding, analysis, and experimental verification of GaN performance,” is hosted by IPERA S.R.L. in collaboration with Teledyne LeCroy, Richardson RFPD, and Vematron SRL. It is tailored for individuals seeking to enhance their skills in designing power electronics systems using GaN power MOSFETs. Register for the course at: https://form.jotform.com/241073066778361.

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Our team of global applications engineers are available to answer your questions to ensure your power conversion or energy storage system design meets your performance expectations. If you’re transitioning from silicon to gallium nitride (GaN) or silicon carbide (SiC), we’ll help identify the right switching device to achieve the power density and increased efficiency your application requires.