Featured GaN for Avionics & Radar
From Microchip

Featured GaN for Avionics & Radar

With a heritage of RF power devices spanning decades, Microchip offers high-performance, GaN on SiC, High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT)-based discrete CW and pulsed RF and microwave transistor products up to 14 GHz and MMIC amplifiers up to 32 GHz for use in aerospace and defense and commercial radar, communications, and industrial applications. These devices are available in bare die, plastic QFN/DFN packages, and pill and flanged ceramic packages, as well as 50 Ω input/output modular pallets.

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Avionics Transponders

1011GN-1200V: 1030-1090 MHz GaN HEMT

The 1011GN-1200V is an internally matched, COMMON SOURCE, class AB, GaN on SiC HEMT transistor capable of providing over 18.5 dB gain, 1200 Watts of pulsed RF output power at 32us, 2% duty cycle pulse format across the 1030 to 1090 MHz band. The transistor has internal pre-match for optimal performance. It utilizes gold metallization and eutectic attach to provide highest reliability and superior ruggedness.

Primary L-Band Radar

1214GN-1200VG: 1.2-1.4 GHz GaN HEMT

1011GN-1200V: 1030-1090 MHz GaN HEMT

The 1214GN-1200VG is an internally matched, COMMON SOURCE, class AB GaN on SiC HEMT transistor capable of providing over 16.3 dB gain, 53% drain efficiency, 1200 W of pulsed RF output power at 300 μs pulse width, 10% duty factor across the 1200-1400 MHz band. The transistor has internal pre-match for optimal performance and is ideal for use in L-band pulsed primary radar output stages.

Commercial Radar and A&D

ICP0349P: 2.7-3.5 GHz 2-Stage GaN MMIC Power Amplifier IC

The ICP0349P is a 2-stage power amplifier, 50 ohm matched with integrated DC blocking capacitors packaged in a plastic QFN. Fabricated on a 0.25um GaN on SiC process, the device operates from 2.7-3.5 GHz with over 48 dBm output power and 60% PAE, and is well suited to both commercial and defense radar applications.

S-Band Radar

2729GN-300VP: 300 W, 50 V, 2700-2900 MHz Power Amplifier Pallet

The 2729GN-300VP is a 50 Ohms Input and Output matched pallet product on which is used the 2729GN-300V transistor. The pallet construction employs best manufacturing practices construction resulting in highest quality and reliability while delivering and lowest overall manufactured systems costs.


ICP2840-1-110I: 27.5–31 GHz 9 W GaN PA MMIC

The ICP2840 is a balanced Ka-band MMIC power amplifier achieving 39 dBm of saturated output power in CW operation. Fabricated using on GaN SiC technology, the ICP2840 operates from 27.5 to 31 GHz with 28% PAE and 24 dB small signal gain.

Communication Systems and Radar

ICP1639-1-110I: 14.5-17.5 GHz RF Power Amplifier

The ICP1639-DIE is a three-stage GaAs power amplifier MMIC with an operating frequency of 14.5-17.5 GHz. The PA has a pulsed saturated output power of 39 dBm and a gain of 20 dB.

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